Important Dates


A Few Friendly Reminders:

A copy of this notice will be sent home in Friday Folders on 11/18/16

  • Monday 11/21 - Charleston Wrap pick-up from 3 - 5 p.m.

à Please plan to pick-up your items during this time. Products will NOT go home with students on the bus, the boxes are too large to fit in backpacks. Questions? Contact Patricia Lohstroh @ 315-7144

  • Wednesday 11/23 - Early Dismissal @ 12:15 p.m.

à Students will have lunch prior to going home.

  • Thursday 11/24 & 11/25 - No School - Happy Thanksgiving!


Pasadena’s website is a great resource for late start dates, no school dates, events, important information and much more!

If you go to the upcoming events section on our webpage,

you can subscribe to the calendar and it will link with your mobile device calendar.


Visit us at & like our new Facebook page!!

