Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are an important part of our instructional program at Pasadena Park.  It gives teachers and parents an opportunity to meet and discuss the progress of each and every Pasadena Park learner. As in the Fall, all Spring conferences will be virtual with your child's classroom teacher. 

On Wednesday, March 3rd students will be released early at 12:30 pm, and there will be NO SCHOOL on March 4th and March 5th.

Access to schedule a conference using the Online Conference Scheduling procedure in Skyward Family Access which can be found on the WVSD website here

Should you have questions regarding a teacher’s availability / schedule, please contact your student’s teacher directly. If you need your login information for Skyward, please contact the Front Office.

It is a great time of year to check progress on goals for the 2020-2021 school year!  Our conference goal is for 100% parent attendance! We appreciate how involved all of you are as we work together for our kids-

Go Panda’s!
